and my nameCaptain_Obvious wrote:
dede wrote:
ya well I guess nobody is gonna get in at thid rate
Since we started voting players in, everyone who has won a vote has won by at least 80%. (with the exception of phathome, but this is because his poll had a 3rd option which skewed the results.) If this poll were over today, smantie would have a majority that is smaller than anyone voted in to date.
We really should specify the rules before an incident like this happens, but I really strongly believe that on someone's 2nd or 3rd poll, the winning vote needs to be higher than 50%. This is just because if the first and 2nd time didnt work out, there are obviously some strong feelings about this by other members of the clan, and because the clan is taking a risk by letting the potential member (who has already screwed up once) back in.
Vote Results:
Rickshaw - 100%
Tsumura - 87%
Mar - 87%
IP - 85%
T&A - 100%
PinkBandit - 90%
Virus - 85%
Zanmato - 83%
D@nkm@n - 80%
Phantom - 80%
De_Fault - 100%
SixPakSuzy - 92%
PHathome666 - 58%
weedhelmet - 88%