BiKeR bOyZ Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2004 7:39 pm Post subject:
Captian oblivious why am i not on the clan anymore
Let me field this one Oblivious

. Well, where to begin biker?? Lets start with the Captains' name; its
obvious u dont know what his real name is (LOL). Next, your post count being 1 means u were not around at all. And finally u missed the deadline we posted about active members need to post here within a week to still be in the clan, who by the way responded to that post very timely. Now this is all irrelevant, because u
Obviously (LOL) were busy with something maybe and couldnt play, cause i never saw u. Anyways if u still want to be in the clan i suggest u look over some of the previous forum posts and then post a request to join again, we'll let u in if you really want.

"I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me."
--Hunter S. Thompson