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New Orleans On Google Maps

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 11:55 pm
by Captain_Obvious
Google Maps has new satellite images of New Orleans that give you a good idea of the extent of the damage that Katrina caused. Just click the "Katrina" button.,+LA

Superdome: ... &t=e&hl=en


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 5:27 pm
by Rickshaw
Is that the roof (what's left of it) of the super dome? :crazyeyes::crazyeyes::crazyeyes::crazyeyes::crazyeyes::crazyeyes::crazyeyes:

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 6:57 pm
by {qoou}DOS
haha suckers. i feel bad for the good ppl but i wish the ones that shoot @ rescue choppers would just die already.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:07 pm
by Captain_Obvious
DOS_Junkie wrote:but i wish the ones that shoot @ rescue choppers would just die already.
It wouldn't surprise me if some of them have. They're saying now that the death toll could reach 10,000.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:27 am
by Lorus
Captain_Obvious wrote:
DOS_Junkie wrote:but i wish the ones that shoot @ rescue choppers would just die already.
It wouldn't surprise me if some of them have. They're saying now that the death toll could reach 10,000.
It's pretty disgusting that something like this can happen in the richest country in the world. You all know that if New Orleans was in Texas then aid would have been there within 24 hours. Not many rich whites care about the poor black people.
I understand their need to break into gun stores and loot. When you have absolutely nothing left and you know no help is coming you're going to do whatever you can to save your family. The idiots who are shooting at rescuers should just be left there to die. They say the water is so contaminated that people are being warned not to even touch it. Apparently even reporters who've had the water touching their skin are now breaking out in rashes.
I hope the head guy at FEMA is fired and there is an enquiry done to find out what went wrong. Well an enquiry not lead by Bush since we all know what that will find out.

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:39 am
by LD8242
DOS_Junkie wrote:i feel bad for the good ppl but i wish the ones that shoot @ rescue choppers would just die already.
so you want 90% of the population of new orleans to die? :roflmao:

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:56 am
by \/.oDK@
Not many rich whites care about the poor black people.
Lorus,I`M so fucking sick of people mixing this up with race :!:

The mayors BLACK :!: 90% Of the Council are BLACK :!: Lining there pockets :!:

Maybe they should of had a plan if this was to ever occur :idea:

Believe me there`s a hell of alot of WHITE POOR people over here too :!:

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:28 pm
by Lorus
\/.oDK@ wrote:.
Not many rich whites care about the poor black people.
Lorus,I`M so fucking sick of people mixing this up with race :!:

The mayors BLACK :!: 90% Of the Council are BLACK :!: Lining there pockets :!:

Maybe they should of had a plan if this was to ever occur :idea:

Believe me there`s a hell of alot of WHITE POOR people over here too :!:

I know there are plenty of poor white people in new Orleans but it's 80% blacks. I know the Mayor is black and have you see on the news how pissed off he was at the government. He yelled in one interview "Get off your asses and get down here and help us!" The rich white people I'm talking about is the whole Bush clan. He didn't authorize anything. He didn't really have anything to say during the first few days after the hurricane. Didn't it take him like 5 days afterwards until he finally sent troops to help out? Like I said, if this happened to Texas (Bush's home state) the aid would have been there immediately. This whole thing shouldn't have happened but it did and because people just didn't give two shits.

They knew this was going to happen years ago. They studied the levies and knew that they would fail in this type of event. Was anything done to change this? No. Then they knew that this hurricane was going to be a huge one. They told the people to leave New Orleans but only some did because most didn't have the money/resourses to leave (I know some stayed just to protect their houses as well). After there was total devastation the people were left to fend for themselves. Even if it has nothing to do with race it's still extremely sad to see. How can a government let it's people suffer so bad?

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:24 pm
by Turbo_asswhup
why are you bringing texas into this?

the only reason we have a good aid system here is because our city and state government officials dont sit on their asses the whole time and actually plan ahaed for these catastrophies; and if a catastrophy does happen here (like it did 2 years ago) they dont just yell at the rest of the country "Waaa, come help us out" and actually do shit on their own

oh and the comments about rich white people living here is a bit inaccurate....the rich and the white are significant minorities here in houston and most parts of texas

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 4:28 pm
by Turbo_asswhup
btw...i dont know if any of you have heard how many refugees have come to houston but it is seriously slowing down business being conducted here

the rape and crime rates have jumped in the areas where these refugess are being helped and a huge portion of texan citizens' taxes are being diverted to help give free food, shelter, clothing, and medications to the guests

and as far as i can tell, most of these refugees will milk this for all its worth before deciding its enough

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:21 pm
by Captain_Obvious
Turbo_asswhup wrote:the only reason we have a good aid system here is because our city and state government officials dont sit on their asses
And because Texas wasn't built below sea level. :wink:

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:15 pm
by Turbo_asswhup
it floods here all the time but its never a problem that is too tough to handle

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:28 pm
by Rickshaw
Captain_Obvious wrote:
Turbo_asswhup wrote:the only reason we have a good aid system here is because our city and state government officials dont sit on their asses
And because Texas wasn't built below sea level. :wink:
From the looks of the popular trend :roll: they might even do it again (although I certainly hope not :? ):

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:52 pm
by Lorus
Turbo_asswhup wrote:why are you bringing texas into this?

the only reason we have a good aid system here is because our city and state government officials dont sit on their asses the whole time and actually plan ahaed for these catastrophies; and if a catastrophy does happen here (like it did 2 years ago) they dont just yell at the rest of the country "Waaa, come help us out" and actually do shit on their own

oh and the comments about rich white people living here is a bit inaccurate....the rich and the white are significant minorities here in houston and most parts of texas
I didn't say anything about Texas or it's people so don't twist my words around. I am using it as an example to show where Bush's priorities are. He doesn't care about the poor people (be them black, white, hispanic, etc) but if something happened to his home state then I'm sure things would be very different. I also never said that the rich white people were in Texas. I said I was talking about Bush's people. Try rereading my post a second time before commenting on it.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:35 am
by Turbo_asswhup
you dont seem to understand

bush doesnt have to do anything here or send any troops to help us out

there have been problems like floods and hurricanes here before and everytime, the city government took care of everything by preventing what they could have and fixing what was damaged after the fact

im no bush defender but of course his priorities are to this place. he is just a guest at the white house but his actural home and family are here in texas so he would do what is necessary to protect them. it would be the same if his home was in new orleans. is it wrong to favor the home team?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 12:49 am
by Captain_Obvious
Lorus wrote:I am using it as an example to show where Bush's priorities are. He doesn't care about the poor people
See if you can guess which one of these people strayed from the teleprompter. Mike Myers or Kanye West?

Video: MOV
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Article & Transcript

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 5:03 am
by pinkbandit
:cry: I just don't understand how something so tragic could be allowed to happen when America is such a rich country and has the resources to provide help. I think the saddest thing is that despite the fact that nothing was done done to prevent such a tragedy, 11 days on and still there are dead bodies floating all over the place. Why aren't they getting their arses into gear and doing something about it? It is so sad to see :cry:

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 5:36 am
by Lorus
Turbo_asswhup wrote:you dont seem to understand

bush doesnt have to do anything here or send any troops to help us out

there have been problems like floods and hurricanes here before and everytime, the city government took care of everything by preventing what they could have and fixing what was damaged after the fact

im no bush defender but of course his priorities are to this place. he is just a guest at the white house but his actural home and family are here in texas so he would do what is necessary to protect them. it would be the same if his home was in new orleans. is it wrong to favor the home team?
What you don't seem to understand is that not all States are as wealthy as Texas. A lot of the United States are extremely poor. How can you have resources when you don't have the tax money to begin with? Poor people pay very little tax. Do you think that every state is self sufficient?
And if you're comparing whatever flooding and hurricanes you've gotten in Texas compared to Katrina's devastation then you're insane. The only "big" one that you got was the one that hit in 1900 and that was a totally different era than today.

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 5:43 am
by Lorus
pinkbandit wrote::cry: I just don't understand how something so tragic could be allowed to happen when America is such a rich country and has the resources to provide help. I think the saddest thing is that despite the fact that nothing was done done to prevent such a tragedy, 11 days on and still there are dead bodies floating all over the place. Why aren't they getting their arses into gear and doing something about it? It is so sad to see :cry:
They need to clear the water before anything can be done about the bodies. The worst is really yet to come. After the water is drained it's going to be awesome for the clean up team. They'll have to go through every house to gather up the bodies.
One only can imagine what all this water is going to do to the ecosystem now that they are just pumping it out and letting it go into all the lakes and rivers.

Edit: Why is my "g.ruesome" coming up as "awesome" ?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 5:51 am
by Lorus
Captain_Obvious wrote:
Lorus wrote:I am using it as an example to show where Bush's priorities are. He doesn't care about the poor people
See if you can guess which one of these people strayed from the teleprompter. Mike Myers or Kanye West?

Video: MOV
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Caught it on the news. That whole thing was cut for the West coast showing.

On another note since I didn't want to make a 4th post in a row. :wink:
Castro offered up 1100 of Cuba's doctors and 26 tonnes of medical supplies to help out. It even showed them all together in some arena with their backpacks on waiting to get the okay. It's said that Cuba is one of the best prepared countries when it comes to hurricanes. But of course Bush wouldn't put politics aside to help out his people. Of course it's because Castro is sending his military dressed up as doctors as a plot to take over America! Hmmm! yes, that's it. :D

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:30 am
by Captain_Obvious
Lorus wrote:Edit: Why is my "g.ruesome" coming up as "awesome" ?
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:

Oh we have our reasons... :wink:

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:33 am
by LD8242
I doubt the corpses left behind can smell as awesome as me :wink:


Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:35 am
by pinkbandit
Lorus wrote:
pinkbandit wrote::cry: I just don't understand how something so tragic could be allowed to happen when America is such a rich country and has the resources to provide help. I think the saddest thing is that despite the fact that nothing was done done to prevent such a tragedy, 11 days on and still there are dead bodies floating all over the place. Why aren't they getting their arses into gear and doing something about it? It is so sad to see :cry:
They need to clear the water before anything can be done about the bodies. The worst is really yet to come. After the water is drained it's going to be awesome for the clean up team. They'll have to go through every house to gather up the bodies.
One only can imagine what all this water is going to do to the ecosystem now that they are just pumping it out and letting it go into all the lakes and rivers.

Edit: Why is my "g.ruesome" coming up as "awesome" ?
Yeah i understand that, gonna be awful when the clear-up happens! Doesn't bare thinking what reprocussions (excuse spelling) it will all have :cry:

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:36 am
by pinkbandit
LD8242 wrote:I doubt the corpses left behind can smell as awesome as me :wink:

Sicko :shock: :P

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 9:52 am
by {qoou}DOS
Captain_Obvious wrote:
Lorus wrote:I am using it as an example to show where Bush's priorities are. He doesn't care about the poor people
See if you can guess which one of these people strayed from the teleprompter. Mike Myers or Kanye West?

Video: MOV
Video: WMV
Article & Transcript
kanye west has the bals to say that stuff on tv unlike celebs that bow to the almighty bush-machine